laboratory +
playground =


Who is Niet Stan Frijsinger?

With the real Stan Frijsinger, we made a film about Not Stan Frijsinger. This film won't be a film. It will be an interactive online experience. And the beginning of a huge fan base. But will they be fans of Stan Frijsinger or of Not Stan Frijsinger?


Heaven or Hell? What will it be?

For the Arnhemse Uitnacht we made an interactive gate in the big Eusebius Church. When passing through, the gate determined if you would go to heaven or hell...


Sasha is our new intern!

Here you can see her internalizing interning. Upside Down.


The best display a toothbrush can wish for.

For our dear friend Nout van Heumen, we made the ultimate toothbrush display!

Making of

How we built the ultimate toothbrush display

+31 85 301 65 27