The shortest
path to art

Museum voor Kunst in de Openbare Ruimte NL

museum app
museum app
museum app

How do we ensure that people can navigate or get lost in the largest museum in the world? That was the question posed by the Museum for Art in Public Space, the museum you enter when you walk out the door. That's where we created the Museum app. We don't need attendants, signs, or routing here.

Avec Sans Museum Kunst in de Openbare Ruimte App intro

We keep it simple; follow the arrow! The arrow takes you in a straight line to the next artwork. Upon arrival at the artwork, you can listen to stories from people with a special connection to the work; the person who keeps the greenery around the artwork in check, the woman who lives opposite the artwork, Hans who smokes cigarettes next to the artwork on his mobility scooter, and maybe even the artist will tell you something.

Avec Sans Museum Kunst in de Openbare Ruimte App screenshots

When you're done listening, choose one of the 3 nearest artworks to continue the tour.

With this simple app, an easy way to navigate, and exceptional, refreshing content, we shed new light on all those artworks you'd normally just pass by.

Download the app on the iPhone App Store (Dutch)

Download in the Apple App Store


+31 85 301 65 27